Taking Readings II by Himring

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Some dwelt age-long in the Vale of the Great River

Denethor makes the decision to lead his people west into Beleriand to join up with Thingol again.


Rating: Teens, for reference to character death.

B2MeM 2018 prompt: ...but the water before them was dark, with only a few curling wisps like steam among the reeds by the bank. (Fellowship of the Ring, “A Conspiracy Unmasked”).
Tolkien100 prompt: The Great River.
What made me connect these two prompts was Oshun's bio of Lenwe, which was recently posted to the Archive, for March's newsletter, and the questions she raises in it.

The water of the Great River was dark. Wisps curled up like steam among the reeds by the bank where Denethor crouched, listening for sounds of attack. He had argued with his father ever since rumour of Thingol’s kingdom had reached them. Denethor wished to go and see; Lenwe would have none of it. Yet now that his father lay slain by one of the fell beasts from the North, Denethor found himself loath to leave the Anduin. But his decision was made: he would gather his people and lead them west, to what safety he could find for them.

Chapter End Notes

100 words in Word.

The title is adapted from a quotation from HoME (The War of the Jewels, Quendi and Eldar), which is cited in Oshun's bio.

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