Time's Arrow by Russandol
Fanwork Notes
A huge thank you goes to my indefatigable beta elfscribe, whose amazing advice, patience, and encouragement made this story readable; and to IgnobleBard, for lending me his discerning eyes.
Thanks are also due to a bunch of excellent delta-readers(?) and nit-pickers over the many months (almost two years!) that has taken me to finish this story: pandemonium_213, Scarlet10, KyMahalei, oshun, chaotic_binky, Spiced Wine, DrummerWench, SurgicalSteel, randy_o and Kenaz. Thank you all for persevering with me!
Note on Warnings: "Violence--Moderate" refers to mentions of past torture (not graphic).
Fanwork Information
Summary: Two elves of the Greenwood, a troubled warrior and a prince, confront the shadows from their past in the less than perfect paradise of Valinor. There, a tradition that has been kept every four long-years since the ancient days of the Great Journey is about to take place once more.
Major Characters: Beleg, Elrond, Eönwë, Finrod Felagund, Galadriel, Gandalf, Ingwion, Legolas Greenleaf, Original Character(s) Major Relationships: Genre: Drama, Romance, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Rating: Adult Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Graphic), Violence (Moderate) This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 10 | Word Count: 41, 123 |
Posted on 6 January 2014 | Updated on 4 April 2014 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
In which Durthir meets someone he feels he can trust, Galadriel shocks Elrond, and Legolas discovers that his father kept secrets from him.
In which Durthir receives a gift, Legolas trespasses into the forest, and Beleg gives archery lessons.
In which Durthir remembers, Legolas meets a stranger, and Elrond is waiting.
In which Durthir is ticklish, joins an ancient brotherhood, and makes (an almost naked) Legolas jealous.
In which Noruion meets royalty and faces a prince, while Legolas seduces an ally to his cause.
In which bows bend, arrows fly, and archers flirt.
In which Beleg is furious, and everyone else remembers the past
In which it is Legolas' turn to be furious.
In which Legolas finds the tables turned on him.
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