Time's Arrow by Russandol

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Fanwork Notes

A huge thank you goes to my indefatigable beta elfscribe, whose amazing advice, patience, and encouragement made this story readable; and to IgnobleBard, for lending me his discerning eyes.

Thanks are also due to a bunch of excellent delta-readers(?) and nit-pickers over the many months (almost two years!) that has taken me to finish this story: pandemonium_213, Scarlet10, KyMahalei, oshun, chaotic_binky, Spiced Wine, DrummerWench, SurgicalSteel, randy_o and Kenaz. Thank you all for persevering with me!


Time's Arrow by Russandol

Note on Warnings: "Violence--Moderate" refers to mentions of past torture (not graphic).

Fanwork Information


Two elves of the Greenwood, a troubled warrior and a prince, confront the shadows from their past in the less than perfect paradise of Valinor. There, a tradition that has been kept every four long-years since the ancient days of the Great Journey is about to take place once more.



Major Characters: Beleg, Elrond, Eönwë, Finrod Felagund, Galadriel, Gandalf, Ingwion, Legolas Greenleaf, Original Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Romance, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Graphic), Violence (Moderate)

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 10 Word Count: 41, 123
Posted on 6 January 2014 Updated on 4 April 2014

This fanwork is complete.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

In which Durthir meets someone he feels he can trust, Galadriel shocks Elrond, and Legolas discovers that his father kept secrets from him.

In which Durthir receives a gift, Legolas trespasses into the forest, and Beleg gives archery lessons.

In which Durthir remembers, Legolas meets a stranger, and Elrond is waiting.

In which Durthir is ticklish, joins an ancient brotherhood, and makes (an almost naked) Legolas jealous.

In which Noruion meets royalty and faces a prince, while Legolas seduces an ally to his cause.

In which bows bend, arrows fly, and archers flirt.

In which Beleg is furious, and everyone else remembers the past

In which it is Legolas' turn to be furious.

In which Legolas finds the tables turned on him.

Comments on Time's Arrow

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This is a wonderful first chapter, Russa; and certainly makes me impatient for the second. Because the idea of any-one in Valinor under the Valar makes me annoyed, I can certainly sympathize with Legolas' feeling that there is nothing there for him. So now, let's see what happens! :) I am so glad you are writing again (or rather have written, and are now posting!)

Oh Siân, I'm so excited you've given me my first review! You know, it's almost as exhilarating as posting for the first time, it's been so long.

Yes, Legolas is clearly Not Happy. A place like Valinor is likely to be a change-adverse place, stale and boring to tears for someone who's used to action. But I know for a fact that he won't be bored for long in this story.

Thanks so much, Siân, your encouragement means a lot to me!



Hi Himring! I'm so happy you're reading this fic. Actually, you are on the right track, but... if only things were that simple. Events will take an unexpected turn in the next chapter, and after that... well, I hope you want to keep reading to find out what happens, and that you enjoy it.

Thanks so much for your review!


Of course, your writing is beautiful as always, graceful and well constructed. You have some of my favorite lines in this chapter--and story elements too: like references to nude wrestling, etc. Ah, yes.

Elrond to Galadriel! This is priceless:

Elrond gulped his wine. ‘Certainly not, mother,’ he said dryly. ‘I will drink to your victory, pity your adversaries, and envy those who will gain your favour.’

I can so believe that being said. She begs for it. Great Galadriel here!

I love this too:

‘Beleg? Beleg Cúthalion? The Beleg from Doriath of old?’ cried Legolas, jumping to his feet. ‘By Morgoth’s hairy crack!’

The bits like these are the necessary respite to allow the reader to willing take on the darker and more suspenseful elements. You have a great sense of balance so far in this story. Looking forward to the rest!

I should say I love your Legolas also. It is very gratifying to run across a worthy Legolas.


I'm so relieved you think the balance is good. Maybe because I always write when I'm tired and grumpy these days, my stories turn out darker than intended. So it's good to know that the littel jokes make it all a bit less gloomy.

I'm really hoping Galadriel will surprise you in this story, in a good way. I imagine that she's confident enough to get what she wants; without need to prove anything to anyone. After all, she's done her job in Middle-earth, now it's time to enjoy some fun, and to let her hair down.

You have IgBee to thank for my version of Legolas. He made me think hard. :o)

Thanks so much, oshun! I'm so pleased you're reading this fic.


Yes, well, about the unexpected turn, I wasn't going to make things too easy, or the story would be over in no time.

I've always wanted to have Beleg and Legolas together in a fic. I'm not sure either of them approves of my decision but, hey, being the author has its advantages sometimes! Trauma might be a bit excessive for what's to come, though they have all had plenty of it in the past. I hope it's a good mixture of angst and fun. Again, the characters might disagree with me, but I hope you do agree!

Thanks a lot, Himring!

That first scene is one helluvan opener and intro to one of the main players of Time's Arrow.  It's dark, riveting, and tosses the reader smack dab into a harrowing situation with Durthir.  And then...he comes to.   Excellent way to introduce him and the deep scars of his past.  Love the salty language of his sailing companions.  Feels authentic.

The descriptions are wonderful.  Enviably wonderful.  I'm especially taken with Durthir's examination of his reflection in the dark water.  

Then cut to Legolas.  Again, evocative scene-setting.  That cottage sounds very comfortable!  I don't blame Legolas for holing up in there.  I really enjoyed all the little nods/connections to the other facets of the Russa!verse.

You've conveyed Legolas' sense of loss very well, and likewise, Elrond's firmness as he tries to pull Legolas out of his despondency by giving him a task.  And yes, I must agree with Legolas!  That's a tangled web of politics.  I need a diagram! :^D j/k.

And look!  Legolas is itching to be off on another adventure!

I knew I was taking a risk, to start a Silmfic whose dubious selling point is featuring non-Gondolin!Legolas with an unknown Original Character instead. I figured that, in order to compensate, I had to make the opening of the fic compelling enough to get people to want to keep reading. Choosing Durthir's "dark side" was another risk, but then, this man is not a happy character. So I'm really thrilled to read your "helluvan opener" description!

There are loads of nods/connections all over the place. I'm truly hoping they won't impact readers who are not familiar with other stories.

Yay, you liked my cottage! No one has picked up on that, but I was aiming for warm and cosy. A really wonderful and homely place in Valinor that is not enough to make Legolas cheerful. So of course, an adventure is exactly what he needs, and Elrond is wise enough to realise. Probably not the type of adventure Legolas was hoping for, but still, better than staying under his duvet and moping.

Thanks for the review, Pandë, it's certainly a most welcome boost!


Disappointed is an understatement. Poor Legolas! I don't think he's being rational. He's found out his old lover is alive, he's built up all his hopes, and they are shattered before his eyes when he finds him happy in the arms of his childhood hero. He's lonely and frustrated in Valinor, despite Elrond's support, now jealous, heartbroken, and on top of that ashamed by his own secret obsession. Feelings of inadequacy in all fronts. Not in the right frame of mind to show his happiness to see Noruion alive and well again, and even less to meet Beleg and accept with equanimity that he has taken for himself what Legolas wanted most. So yes, he sneaks off. I guess sometimes a hero can face a Balrog or the hordes of Mordor but is unable to overcome his own feelings...

Thanks for your review, Himring! I hope you are not the one disappointed by this latest development.

Oh, yes, they do. Sauron has that effect on people. Pandë'S DM described it best: "enhanced orgasm and subsequent stimulation of your dopaminergic system, resulting in a feedback that causes something akin to an addiction."

I couldn't resist bringing them together and join Legolas' story to my bigger Sauroun's 'verse.The addtional beneft is that Legolas gets to hear he's not really bewitched, it's all in his head. Not that this knowledge is an instant cure in itself, though.

Thanks for hanging on, and for letting me know you're still reading!

I am enjoying this story so much. I love the limpe in this chapter. You describe it beautifully. Such a magical description. I am writing this much too later to give a detailed review. I cannot wait to read the next chapter. The entire piece has been beautifully written and so well constructed. It feels seamless to me.

I'm relieved to hear it seems seamless to someone as discerning as you. The second part of this chapter and the last one were written half a year of not having written a word. I had more or less given up on writing at the time. When I tackled it again, I wrote a lot of unnecessary narrative to remind myself of where I was. It got cut out eventually. Of course, I was also scared about writing the final part of the fic and the inevitable love scene. I hope that comes across well.

Thanks oshun, your encouragement gives me a boost, and has made my day look much better already!