Their Uncle's Children by LadyBrooke

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Chapter 1

“They look like Turgon did as a child,” Maedhros said, looking down at the sleeping twins.

Maglor could not see it – Turgon had been large, even as a child, and these two seemed tiny to this eyes. But Maedhros’ tone had softened when he remarked on that, and Maglor was not above using his brother’s nostalgia against him. “They are his descendants, as much as they are the heirs of the Sindar kings.”

“We should send them to Círdan, or Gil-galad. They are the boys’ relatives, too.” Maedhros’ tone remained regretful, kneeling down to look closer at the boys, blood from the battle staining the ground.

“But we won’t,” Maglor said.

“Won’t we?”

“You knew you wouldn’t send them away from the moment you remarked on how they looked like Turgon as a child, because you think they look like they could be Fingon’s children.”

Maedhros shifted his gaze to him. “You speak of things you shouldn’t, as always.”

Maglor smiled. “Out of all my transgressions, that hardly even makes the list, even if it is the most persistent one.”

Maedhros shook his head. “One day it will catch up with you.”

“But not today,” Maglor said, kneeling to pick up the twins’ few belongings and shoving them towards the cave entrance to be loaded on his horse.

“Not today,” Maedhros agreed. “When they wake up, you may take them into your household, for as long as they wish to stay and as long as our quest sleeps.”

Maglor nodded. “Perhaps this time we will have a long peace.”

“We will make it last long enough, and then let them go.” Maedhros looked down at them once more and then stood. “We never have been able to keep Fingolfin’s descendants at our sides.”

Maglor could only silently agree to that.

Chapter End Notes

Technically Fingon would be their Great-Great-Uncle, but that doesn't make as good a title. :P

I have a long running headcanon that Fingon was the unfortunately short male of his immediate family, taking after his mother instead of his father, but still looking a lot like Turgon - it's just that child Turgon looked like a child Fingon who got hit with an growth ray.

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