The High Queen's Foretelling by Kaylee Arafinwiel

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Chapter 1

"In my time, I have been called many things: sister, lover, priestess, wise-woman, queen." Elindis Ingatári smiled, though the smile didn't reach her eyes. Her sapphire gaze was distant, as though she was looking at something Artanis could not see.
"Queen I understand, and..." Artanis blushed, "lover, and a priestess and wise-woman of the Valar you are, Aunt, but...sister? Is there a tale I have not heard?" She studied her great-aunt. The two were seated together in the orangery of Ilmarin as Ingwe had his regular meeting with the Valar on Valanya; Arafinwë had decided to come with him, and bring his children. Aicanáro had been summoned to read his latest poem, and Artanis was left behind with Elindis, who looked...sad was not enough.
Bereft? Artanis castigated herself silently for bringing upon her aunt this unspoken sorrow.
"There is," the High Queen said finally, turning to regard her great-niece intently. "You know, of course, that Aman was not always our home. We were born, or awoken, upon the shores of Cuiviénen in the Hither Lands."
Artanis bowed her head in acknowledgement, inhaling the sweet scents redolent in the glasshouse before speaking again. "I do know, Aunt, though I have not heard many tales."


"Many are loath to speak of those lands, for we left kin behind - kin who would not come with us, seen as betrayers," Elindis said quietly, bitterly. "I had - have, I must believe still - a sister, Daireth. Her heart was ensnared by one of the Nelyai who remained."
Artanis' head lifted. "One of Anatar's kin?" she asked, frowning as she tried to understand.
"Indeed, though perhaps not near kin - I could never recall. There were so many Nelyai, compared to we few who were Minyai," she murmured. "The loss of even one of ours was a cruel blow."
"You miss her," Artanis murmured. The flicker of birds flying through the trees distracted her a moment, but when she turned her gaze back to her aunt, Elindis was nodding.
"I do," Elindis agreed. "One day, child, do tell her so from me."
Artanis bit her lip. "Will I see her?" Elindis made no answer. Ingwe had appeared at the door, and she rose, smoothing her skirt and going to meet her husband. Left alone with her thoughts, Artanis puzzled over the remark.
Tell her I miss her, she thought. When, and where, I wonder? Did the Valar inspire her to say so? Had it been a foretelling? Perhaps one day, she would know for certain.

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