A Memory in Hand by Himring

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Finduilas wriggled through the crack. She thought she might be the first person to do so. Few even among the Noldor and Sindar would be slender enough.

‘Hey,’ said an outraged voice.

It did not sound elven. It did not sound like an orc either.

Finduilas considered her options. Cautiously, she peered out of the crack and around.

There was faint daylight on the other side and someone who looked like a dwarf, but not very much at all like Finrod’s friends from Belegost.

‘Who are you and what are you doing here?’

‘I might ask you the same question.’

‘I am Finduilas.’

The short, thin dwarf was already beginning to look less angry and more curious, although still cautious.

‘I am Khim.’


Chapter End Notes

The epilogue is not meant to happen right the next day, just to show that she did explore the caves.

I once read a fic in which Finduilas makes friends with Ibun and he shows her a secret back way out of Nargothrond.

It is perhaps a bit more morbid to let her meet Khim, as we know how Khim died... But I liked the idea of Khim of having a bit more of a life before he was shot.

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