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This was a nice read, sweet and sad. I liked Andreth's feistiness and her annoyance at her people being treated like children who can't handle disappointment or understand the difference between past and present (indeed, they're probably prepared to handle change better than the Eldar are). It ties in nicely with her comments in the Athrabeth, much later.

Thank you very much!

Good to hear that you see Andreth's comments here tying in well with the Atrabeth! That was what I was hoping for.

I was also thinking back to our discussion during the Silm re-read back then, about the changes in early relations between the Eldar and the Edain, where the Edain get a little more segregated than they were to begin with and what caused this.

I am still inclined to believe that this was not entirely due to Eldarin paternalism, etc. but that they were also responding to reactions from some of the Edain.

So here I made Andreth rebel against the paternalism, but sort of ignore what Aegnor says about Magor, even as she echoes his words. (Magor's accusations are uncanonical as such, but he was the one who seems to have tried to keep his people at a distance, unlike this father.)  Andreth is younger and more optimistic here!

There is also a kind of arc from Finrod singing about the Blessed Realm to Beor to Ar-Pharazon's attempted invasion of Valinor - although obviously an awful lot happens in between.