Then Eru Spoke by Taylor17387

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In the end

In the end

The last day came heralded by a tremor. A tremor that run through the earth from its crust to the deepest layers of its core. And a terrible universal crack was the signal of the earth being split in two at that moment, and it having nothing more to do but break down and perish.
In the distance, at the eastern end of the world, from where the Sun would not rise any more, a black wall came forth. Its width covered the entire horizon as far as the eye could see. Its height swept the stars and tore the clouds. Before it opened the wasteland of desolation. Behind it opened the nothingness.
The great wall advanced across the mortal lands, and the darkness that it vomited devoured them completely. And all mortals died, as it is written in their destiny.

In Valinor, the gods watched helplessly the destruction brought by Morgoth, the Black Enemy of ancient times. And waited for their end without leaving the site. The wall of darkness swallowed the whole ocean, and Ulmo did not know where to hide anymore. The mountains were pulverized as mere clods of clay, and Aulë covered his face afflicted. The entire forests, and all the plants and animals that lived in them, burst into flames, and Yavanna wept bitter tears, while Oromë lowered his head in resignation. At the top of Taniquetil Manwë sang one last song, full of beauty and sadness, and it was lost as well when the abominable blackness absorbed the air and winds of the earth.

Morgoth, transformed into the monstrous black wall, into a mass of broken flesh and bones, disfigured by the Void and the torment of a million souls trapped in his body, stopped in front of the golden gates of Valmar.
In front of them was a man standing, wearing black and a with a black sword hanging from his belt. The voice of Morgoth emerged from a thousand mouths opened along the wall of flesh, and every mouth spoke his words with a different intonation, reflecting the thousand shades of pain.

-Thou foolish man, that art back from the place from which no man returns! How darest thou to stand before us and challenge us? We are all gathered here, all the enemies of humanity, and we are fed by all the hatred of humanity. Here is Melkor, the Mighty Arising. Here is the Great Eye too, dost thou not remember?

One of the mouths melted into a mass of fluid teeth, and reemerged as a flaming eye for a second, to melt back again. From the tortured flesh protruded a million tentacular arms and tried to grab the man in black. But he sliced them with the sword in one blow, and then proclaimed:

-A last battle face to face with Morgoth, the Black Foe of the World, I only ask for that!

The thousand mouths laughed with thundering voice, and the sky and earth trembled.

-So be it, a last battle. The last battle of Túrin Turambar, the most unfortunate of men.

From the top of the wall a warrior king came down, covered with iron, crowned by iron, and raised his mace above the head of the man. But the mortal was faster to draw his sword, and left it stuck inside the body of his opponent. The handle sticking out of his chest, the point sticking out of his back, spilling drops of rotting blood on the ground.
The wall of flesh and hatred collapsed amid the scream of a thousand condemned throats.

And the cracked earth finally broke in two. Three gems, like three morning stars, reunited in the firmament and descended to the delicate hands of Yavanna.
The goddess released their light, and for a second the Trees of the Valar shed their light over the ruins of the world.
First came a twinkle of silver, and then another of gold. And then the whole creation folded onto itself. The mountains piled one upon the other, the seas poured over the earth, and space got more and more compressed, until it disappeared in a single tiny point of light.
Then the point extinguished.










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