Maglor's Lament by Fadesintothewest

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Maglor's Lament. Whether he drowned or wanders he is nevertheless lost.

Major Characters: Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Poetry


Rating: Teens


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 308
Posted on 20 January 2014 Updated on 20 January 2014

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1


Maglor’s lament


The power of the water renders your defenses useless

It mocks any attempt to think of yourself as powerful

And it pours forth

all your sadness, your grief

Called by the ceaseless pull of the moon on the water

Surging, filling you, drowning you

You are laid naked


The waves gentle- murmur, whisper, ensnare


In the pit of your stomach

Heavy black

Lays your faithlessness

Your sorrow


That which you keep hidden underneath a thin veil of skin

If you look closely it protrudes

A foot pushing through the delicate netting

Reminding you “I am here”


Gone is the wonder, the magic

Gone is any belief in hope

Gone is your love, your presence

Your absence overwhelming


How cruel life given

How cruel is consciousness

How cruel is it when the world reveals the certainty of death


And my love for you was like a challenge to the winds

The sun and moon above

Though my envy is fickle without reason and entirely selfish

How could creation dare give life to a fire so bright, special, beautiful

To only extinguish it


No we are not who we imagine ourselves to be

We build temples and idols with the hopes of not finding that which dwells beneath the veil


Nameless faith we harken to thee

Witless children lost at sea

Laid bare by the depths of the waters

We cling to the memories of our fathers


And I here I stand, my shame birthed

The darkness piercing through that veil I spent an entire life weaving and stretching around me


Only to find that I no longer matter

Only a thought, a memory in the Feckless night

And then i am gone


I breathe no more

A memory lost at shore.




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