Forging Arda: in the Beginning by MisbehavingMaiar

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Fanwork Notes

Forging Arda— Rivka Nipper 2013

Once upon a time (last winter during the holidays) I sat down to re-read the Silmarillion, and that night I had a dream about the origins of Sauron/Mairon the Maiar, and his time spent in the service of Aulë the Smith. I decided to work some of that dream material into a comic. 

I finished the first draft of these pages a month ago, but then I decided that the pages needed to be retouched and re-lettered before I posted them all together (I was learning and making things up as I went along, and the difference in style from the beginning of the comic to the end was pretty severe). 

So here, at last, are the finalized pages, hand-lettered, in all their painstaking, flawed, and glorious detail. It’s been a hell of a ride! Now all I have to do is tell the rest of the story…. *wobble*. 


Fanwork Information


Mairon, maia of Aulë, is given a body, a purpose, his tools, and a warning.

Major Characters: Ainur, Aulë, Melkor, Sauron

Major Relationships:

Genre: Comic Strip


Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 986
Posted on 31 March 2014 Updated on 31 March 2014

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1



Chapter End Notes

Update Feb 2014:  If you look carefully you’ll notice I’ve made some edits for character continuity, typo-correction, and awful-inexcusible-messy-word-bubble surgery. I also took out the tengwar inscription on the forge because it had no business being there in the first place. 

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*Repeating the review because I'm not sure why the heck it is showing up only with the series, rather than the story.  At any rate...*

YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!  You've posted here.  FINALLY. And wow, what an entrance!  You know I love this:  you have such a distinctive style and such skill with light, color, shadow, and form.  I love the leonine look of Aulë, Mairon's wide-eyed innocence, and that shifting fiery creature arising from might...

And now I understand the note in my Tumblr ask box. Yes.  Yes, you have joined a guild. :^)

Welcome, Wesley!