A Mere Shadow by Elisif

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Maedhros can do little to assuage his his brother's grief over Thingol's Quenya ban.

Major Characters: Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama


Rating: General

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 034
Posted on 17 June 2014 Updated on 17 June 2014

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on A Mere Shadow

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I really like this! The Quenya ban seems to be largly glossed over in the text, when in reality ordering someone not to speak their native langauge is a horribly damaging thing. I'm always glad to see stories discussing it, and this one is really well done.

In particular, I especially like these quotes:

 "...the words might as well have come from Tyelkormo’s finest melodramatic Laurë impression..."

I love the image it brings up of Tyelkormo doing just such an impression, haha. 

"So long as it is not a choice,their words will burn cold against the fire of my own, and it will be as though a part of me has been cut—“

His fingers halted with the comb halfway fixed into the braided knot at the back of Maedhros’ head. After a moment’s pained quiet, Maedhros reached for his hand.

“You do not need to censor yourself in my presence, Makalaurë, you know I hate it.”

He drew a deep breath.

“It was a worthy comparison— however much the ban angers me, I cannot imagine—“"

This really shows the relationship between the two brothers, while also showing how deeply Maglor relates to his poetry and music, and a bit about Maedhros' feelings regarding his missing hand.

Great story!