Mul Haust by Writing Gecko
Fanwork Notes
Background mentions of rape, on screen almost rape, on screen almost incest, one-sided incest, be careful babies.
Argon is my favorite Nolofinwion.
Mul – Sindarin – Slave, Thrall
Haust – Sindarin - Bed
Fanwork Information
Summary: In Angband, Maeglin finds someone he thought to be dead. (warning for rape references and implied torture) Major Characters: Argon Major Relationships: Genre: Horror Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Violence (Moderate) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 3, 023 |
Posted on 2 June 2015 | Updated on 2 June 2015 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Chapter 1
Read Chapter 1
Maeglin lowered his head, staring numbly at his feet, trembling and looking around. He felt as though the walls of Angband were closing in about him. Why am I not in a cell? Slowly he turned, taking in the tiny, dark room. “Hello?” he whispered fearfully.
In the dark, something shifted. A bent creature stepped forward, bowing. “M-master,” he whispered.
“I am not your master,” he said stiffly, turning his back on the creature.
“Appologies,” it rasped, still coming closer.
Get away from me! Maeglin grimaced. “Please,” he said. “I don’t need you.”
“I was commanded to serve you,” it whispered.
“I don’t need you!” he roared!
The creature whimpered and stepped away, sounding like a frightened animal. Maeglin watched as it turned toward the low fire, the only source of light in the room, and knelt.
“Why- why you are an elf!” he cried.
The elf turned sad blue eyes on him, frowning. “I am a thrall,” he whispered.
Maeglin knelt beside him, less repulsed than before. “What is your name?” he asked softly.
The elf frowned and whimpered, pulling away and shaking his head.
“What are you called?” Maeglin repeated.
“Mulhaust,” he whispered.
“That’s not a name.” The young smith tilted his head and studied the other.
“It’s what I am,” the elf murmured. “And why I was sent to you, master.” He looked down and away, refusing to meet Maeglin’s eyes.
“You were sent to have sex with me?” The idea was so repulsive that Maeglin pulled away. No. No. I only love her. They are mocking me.
Mulhaust nodded slowly.
“Well I don’t want you!” Maeglin stood, glaring, and stormed away, toward the other side of the cramped room.
Mulhaust was silent. Maeglin turned to see him standing and walking toward the door. “Where are you going?” he asked.
“To serve Master Mairon,” he replied. “Since I am not needed here.”
Maeglin shut his eyes, imagining the cruel Maia with poor Mulhaust. “Oh,” he whispered softly. “I’m sorry.”
Saying nothing Mulhaust merely nodded and turned for the door. Maeglin stood as he left, unable to shake the image of Sauron and the broken elf. “Wait!”
Mulhaust stopped and turned to look back at him. “My lord?”
The title sent shivers down Maeglin’s spine. He enjoyed the title, even here, coming from such a pitiful creature. “Come back,” he whispered, trying to sound firm and keep his voice from shaking.
Mulhaust returned, keeping his head down and focusing instead on his feet. “Yes master?”
Maeglin told himself that this was only to protect the other from Sauron, to stop the Maia from ripping him apart. “Come here,” he ordered, holding out his arms. When Mulhaust was in his reach he began carefully unlacing his tunic, keeping his hands from trembling. The elf’s body was covered in scars and fresh wounds, knotted and uneven. Maeglin rested his hand on the other’s shoulder for a moment before pushing his tunic off.
“Stand up straight and look at me.”
Mulhaust whimpered, but did as he was ordered, standing tall and unbending his back. “My lord,” he murmured. Maeglin gaped, alarmed by the sheer size of the slave. He was, without a doubt, the tallest elf he had ever seen.
“Master Mairon says I am too tall,” Mulhaust croaked.
“You are very tall,” Maeglin replied, guiding the other to the rickety bed. He felt sick, nearly vomiting as the taller elf laid down on his stomach and went limp. I can’t do this. But I cannot let Sauron hurt him. Shaking Maeglin whispered, “I’ve never done this.”
Mulhaust turned to look at him curiously. “I have.”
Maeglin didn’t doubt that. “Show me,” he ordered. Mulhaust nodded and pulled Maeglin into his lap, kissing him deeply. Maeglin choked for a moment, but soon closed his eyes and enjoyed the kiss. Mulhaust pulled back and looked down at him, and for the first time Maeglin could see his face. Long, limp hair framed his face, hiding a strong jawline and blue eyes that must have been bright once.
He looked like his mother.
Feeling sick Maeglin pulled back. “Stop!” he sobbed. “I-I can’t,” he whimpered. “Get out!”
Mulhaust fled the room with a whimper, Maeglin curled into the bed and sobbed.
Later, he pulled the blanket over his head to muffle the screams.
Chapter End Notes
Yes Mulhaust is Argon. Yes he was raped at the end.