Stranger in a Strange Land. by Cheeky

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Fanwork Notes

After writing a young Glorfindel and Erestor in A Song for My Beloved They wouldn't leave me alone. I wanted to know what happened later.

This is what happens.

Corny title I know but it fits the story and I could think of no better.

Fanwork Information


 A bored Erestor gets the surprise of his life when Glorfindel returns from the dead. But their reunion does not exactly go smoothly. Things have changed in the last several hundred years. Can Glorfindel adjust?....Will Erestor ever wear trousers?

Major Characters:

Major Relationships:



Rating: General


Chapters: 6 Word Count: 5, 954
Posted on 3 October 2015 Updated on 3 November 2015

This fanwork is complete.

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