Stranger in a Strange Land. by Cheeky

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Chapter 4

Glorfindel stared morosely at his breakfast. The exotic spread of colourful fruits did nothing for him. What was wrong with a plate of lovely hot porridge? Still he somehow had to eat this. At least he knew what these were and they didn't burn him. Breakfast was now the only meal he could eat all day. He was sick of spending day after day being absolutely starving. He hated this place, he really did. 
"So Glorfindel.."
It was Elrond talking and he tilted his head to the side so he could look at him. He had found if he looked at Elrond sideways he didn't look quite so much like Turgon. 
"Are you all right?" Elrond leaned forward anxiously, "have you hurt your neck?"
"Oh fine, fine, just slept awkwardly that's all." He replied.
"Did you?" piped up Erestor tensely, "Why didn't you tell me?"
He stared at him though it was hard to do so without laughing at those ridiculous clothes.
"Now why would I be telling you the details of my sleeping Erestor?" He was rather annoyed at Erestor's continued insistence that their occasional nighttime hookups be a complete secret. If he could make him feel uncomfortable about that he would. He was gratified when Erestor blushed.
"What were you saying Elrond?" He hoped asking would divert any attention from his neck.
"I have had a letter from Galadriel, she will be arriving today to see you."
Internally he scowled at that while making sure to keep his face serene and untroubled. Great, just what he needed. Galadriel, someone else who was bound to be completely unrecognisable. 
"That's lovely." He said and he knew Erestor would hear the insincerity in his voice. Sure enough...
"It will be good for you to see her won't it Glorfindel? Someone from the past."
He didn't need to see someone from the past he needed to BE back in the past. But he kept that to himself.
"Yes, yes," he said glibly "I will look forward to it." and Erestor frowned at him. 
"Well at least someone will" Elrond muttered under his breath. Glorfindel pounced on that. Was all not as well as it seemed then?
"Problems?" He asked lifting an eyebrow.
"Galadriel is not the easiest Mother in Law in the world." Elrond mumbled "and it doesnt help that she can read every thought that goes through my mind either."
Ah ha! Glorfindel smiled despite himself. He didn't imagine the wild, adventurous, fun loving girl he had known would be easily controlled. He could see she would be difficult. 
"But Celebrian will be coming home with her won't she Elrond? That will be good."
Trust Erestor to try and see the bright side, Glorfindel thought and then he decided he had had enough, grabbed himself what looked vaguely like an apple and stood.
"I will be off then" he said cheerily.
"Well if you can be there when Galadriel arrives that will be much appreciated." Elrond said to his back as he departed the room. 
He retreated to the library and his favourite book on Gondolin. It had elaborate silk prints of the city and people he knew and he loved looking at the pictures. Thankfully Erestor stayed away, he must be busy arranging things for the important visitor. He was relieved for he would only nag him to get out in the sunshine and berate his wallowing in the past. 
He did not go to welcome Galadriel. 
Instead he returned to his room, and when he heard what could only be Erestor's feet marching down the corridor he locked the door. 
"Glorfindel, are you there?"
The door knob rattled.
"Yes. Go away."
"Galadriel is here. Where were you? Elrond asks that you come, she is waiting to see you."
Erestor sounded panicked but he let that slide off him.
"I have no intention of coming to see her."
"Why not? You will enjoy it. It will be good for you!"
"I am sick of you telling me what is good for me Erestor, when you do not understand, and that great grandchild of Turgon will not command me either. I don't want to see her. I want to stay here." 
He heard Erestor mutter under his breath something about stupidity.
"Call me stupid all you like Erestor I am not the one wearing a dress!" 
Erestor sighed, 
"You like Galadriel Glorfindel, you always used to."
"I LIKED Artanis."
"Don't be ridiculous, she was calling herself Galadriel long before you died." 
Something about the matter of fact way Erestor spoke of his death struck at his heart. He had died. All those closest to him had also died, they were all gone. A wave of grief engulfed him and it took him completely by surprise. He collapsed against the wall gasping back the sobs that tore their way from his throat. He did not want Erestor to know how unhappy he was.
"Glorfindel!" If Erestor was panicked before he was almost hysterical now. "What is wrong?"
"I want to go home." The words spilled out before he could stop them.
"Home....but you..." Erestor stopped himself just in time before he said what Glorfindel already knew. He had no home.
There was no holding back his unhappiness now.
"I want to go home, and I want you to start wearing trousers." He put his head on his knees and wept at the pain of it. He knew how crazy it sounded. He just wanted Erestor the way he was before, not this strange creature who floated around organising things.
"If I put on some trousers then will you come out?" Erestor said hesitantly.
He didn't even answer that.
Still he didn't understand,
None of them understood.
Erestor tried to slow the feeling of panic as he rushed back down the corridor to Elrond's study. Glorfindel seemed to have gone completely mad. What on earth was he going to do. By the time he reached the study he was beside himself. 
"Erestor what took you so long? Where is Glorfindel?" Elrond peered behind him  trying spot him.
Galadriel was sitting quietly in the corner supremely composed and very unimpressed. Glorfindel was right, Erestor thought, she was not the same, not at all.....and especially around Elrond she was always at her most sanctimonious. He did wonder what she was like in Lothlorien. Did she revert to her old wild and boisterous personality there?
"Um...... " he stammered, just how did he put this? 
"Um Glorfindel seems to be a bit....... indisposed."
"What's the matter? Does he need a healer?" Elrond asked
" No,no, having some trouble adapting to the changes....he does not wish to meet Galadriel.." He looked toward her apologetically. "It's nothing personal... Just, he feels you will not be the same as he remembers you."
"Then that would be personal wouldn't it." Galadriel said cooly. 
" Well he also wants me to wear trousers," he said to make her feel better. 
She gave him one of her considered looks. 
"He is right there."
 Erestor began to wonder if he really should consider changing his attire. 
"He says he wants to go home." He blurted.
"Back to Cirdan?" Elrond questioned 
"Back to Gondolin."
"But Gondolin doesn't exist! "
Galadriel stood, looking her most imperious.
"Elrond have you done anything at all to make him feel at home here?"
Elrond was startled
"We have given him great honour, of course....only the best." 
Galadriel looked to the sky, as if she was praying for some kind of divine aid.
"And that has helped him feel secure here how? Honestly I should have had Cirdan take him to Gil-Galad in the first place. He would have done a better job. We thought with Erestor here.... Have you done anything at all to help him Erestor?"
Suddenly Erestor felt totally ashamed. What had he done? 
"I wasn't sure what to do..." He confessed.
"Fine." It was clear Galadriel was extremely unimpressed. 
"Obviously I will have to fix this myself. Where is he? Take me to his rooms."
And so they went. You didn't say no to Galadriel when she was in this mood. Erestor lagged miserably behind. He wasn't sure at all this was a good idea. Glorfindel would not take well to being ordered around by an imperious Galadriel. He felt so bad, he had failed his friend, he should have done something....anything .....sooner. Now Galadriel thought Gil-Galad, whom Glorfindel had never met would do a better job of looking after him than he, Erestor. 
When they arrived at Glorfindel's door Galadriel knocked firmly. There was no mistaking she was not to be messed with. Erestor could here what sounded like soft sobbing from behind the door but besides that there was no answer. 
Galadriel turned to Elrond. 
"Now watch and learn how this is done." She said in her most officious voice.
Then she rolled up her sleeves, leant towards the door and spoke in a lovely and completely charming voice. She sounded as if she was settling down to have a chat with a long lost friend.
"Glorfindel," she said sweetly, "it's Artanis. How are you, it's been so long!" 
Elrond's eyes bulged in amazement and he shot Erestor a look,
"Artanis?? She never calls herself that!" He whispered to him.
Erestor shrugged his shoulders, he had no idea what she was up to. It did however seem to be working.
"Artanis?" Glorfindel voice floated out through the door. At least he was not crying.
"Yes! When was it last? Did I see you at Nargothrond ever?" 
"I don't think we were ever there at the same time..?" Glorfindel said quietly.
"Then it must have been the Mereth Aderthad. I know I remember you that night, you were especially glorious!" Galadriel sounded lighthearted and young again and Erestor was completely confused.
"I was!" Glorfindel sounded positively chirpy now. "Did you know even Maglor said so?"
Galadriel turned to Erestor and under her breath whispered,
"See how easy it is to relax him. Why have you not done this."
"I didn't want him to live in the past," he explained, "I wanted him to adapt."
"As far as Glorfindel is concerned it is not the past is it."
She returned her focus to the voice beyond the door.
"Let us in Glorfindel, it is easier to talk without this door between us."
There was a sudden silence and Erestor find himself unexpectedly holding his breath.
"Who is there?" Glorfindel asked warily.
"Erestor and Elrond only, nothing to worry about."
"Elrond....he looks like Turgon, it hurts to look at him."
Elrond gasped, his eyes wide,
"He has not told me this" he hissed.
"I am sure you did not ask it either," Galadriel looked at him intently, "He is right, I can see it........something about your hair...." 
"Very well then," she said to the door brightly, "What if I send Elrond to get us food, Erestor and I alone will come in."
"I cannot eat their food! It burns me Artanis, believe me don't try it. I have never tasted anything quite so disgusting."
Galadriel swung around and fixed Erestor and Elrond with her most terrifying stare.
"What have you been feeding him Elrond?"
" is the in thing......" You could hardly hear Elrond's reply.
"Elrond! Do you not have the brains you were born with?! What on earth were you thinking? How ridiculous!" Galadriel was now apoplectic. 
"Glorfindel," she called out. "I apologise on behalf of my rather slow Son in Law. I will bring you some food from home myself."
"Food from home?" Glorfindel sounded extremely wistful.
" Right." She said to Erestor, "Take me to the kitchens."
"The kitchens?" Elrond squeaked, "you do not mean to cook yourself!"
"Of course I do! Do you think me incapable of cooking Elrond? After all, that precious book you are so keen on takes great pains to point out how as a woman, I am doomed to spend my life making bread. I will cook him some decent food. You meanwhile, go and do something about your hair. Get rid of those braids.....try to look less Finwinion. After all you have a pile of other anchestors you can imitate."
She swept past him in her usual dramatic fashion calling behind her,
"Erestor, do something useful and direct me to the kitchens."
Erestor stumbled quickly to follow. It had been centuries since he had seen Galadriel cook. Could she even remember how?
Surely she did not spend her time in Lothlorien making Celeborn rice pudding?

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