Home in the Highlands by heget

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That Summer When Aegnor And Angrod Had To Intervene In The Inception Of A Clan Feud

A 5 sentence tangent to explain one line from the previous drabble.

Aegnor hands his brother the drinking horn of Edain beer with a hidden grimace, wiping his hand on the tartan wrap across his shoulders, then frowns at the stain on the green and yellow fabric.  He goes to ask the matron of the house about adding the garment to the laundry, as it was a gift from Boron’s wife and thus one of the first gifts Aegnor received from a member of Bëor’s family, holding particular sentimental value.  

Angrod hides his own smile and turns to Belegor to inquire after the reason behind this impromptu and boisterous party.  The brother of the Lord of Ladros replies in a more than mildly inebriated voice that the engagement between his oldest son and a woman with very annoying and parsimonious parents has been annulled, to which Angrod replies he did not know that was a cause for a celebration. Belegor laughs, jostling the drinking horn in Angrod’s grip, and says, ‘It would be if you knew these potential in-laws!“  

At this point Aegnor returns to interrupt the conversation with an even more pained expression on his face to ask if Belegor knows about the men outside trying to steal his cattle.

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