Columbine Blue by Dryope

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Fanwork Notes

And here it is, my first ever fanfic (unless one counts little roleplay vignettes for LOTRO....)


Gorlim and Eilinel are one of my favorite fictional couples, and given how tragic their story is I find the lack of fanworks for them a little shocking so I had to rectify this. 

Fanwork Information


Gorlim returns to his old home and reminisces about his former life. 

Major Characters: Gorlim

Major Relationships:

Genre: General, Het, Romance


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 76
Posted on 28 May 2016 Updated on 28 May 2016

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Columbine Blue

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

Yes, theirs is such a sad story!

But I like the glimpses of the happiness that went before that you have given us, as well as the wrenching sadness of desolation afterwards--how they built their life together in the middle of a flourishing community before it fell apart.

(Also, welcome to SWG!)

Welcome! :)

I like this a lot. The flashbacks are very bittersweet, as we see Gorlim and Eilinel at the height of their happiness and know what they stand to (and will) lose. The way you've shown the strength of their bond also makes sense of Gorlim as depicted in the Silmarillion, of why he would return to that house again and again despite all commonsense urgings that it's futile and even dangerous to do so.  Hope you continue to write and post fic!

Thank you for the welcome and the kind review! I enjoyed writing it so I will probably write and post more. c: I know it's a bit silly, but despite enjoying both Tolkien and writing the idea of writing fanfic intimidated me. Ah, but since everyone has been very kind to my fledgling effort and it was fun to write, I can't see a reason not to write more. (okay, all two of you, but that's more than enough encouragement for me)

Ah, thank you so much for the kind words! (And very sorry for the delay in responding to this; I had guests over when I got the notification and then promptly managed to only remember I needed to respond when away from the computer. I do hope to write more, it's just a matter of sitting down and telling myself to write instead of wasting time refreshing twitter endlessly. ^^