Spirit of Fire by Lotrfan

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Chapter 49

Chapter 49

The Valar pronounce his exile and he sees the horror in his father's face. He feels both gratification and outrage when Finwë announces he will join him in exile, since the Valar are not moved by the Noldorin King's plea regarding Fëanor. Pride in Finwë's support battles his fury that Nolofinwë has succeeded—he will be King in all but name now. His face is rigid as his half-brother approaches him. "I release my brother," Nolofinwë says to Manwë, but his eyes stay fixed on Fëanor, who does not look at him nor respond to his words. This is for show. He turns without a word, to leave for Formenos.

Chapter End Notes

My sincerest thanks to nyx thranduillon, ziggy3 and cheekybeak for the ongoing support and continued encouragement to me for this story of mine.

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