Spirit of Fire by Lotrfan

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Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Fëanor stands in front of Manwë, in his tunic and leggings. He will wear no festival finery, exile that he is. Nolofinwë approaches him, eyes fixed on Fëanor as they were the day they last stood here together. He takes Fëanor's hand and speaks. "Half-brother in blood, full brother in heart I will be. Thou shalt lead and I will follow." He holds his gaze steadily, then bows his head and Fëanor realizes he speaks the truth of his heart. He grips Nolofinwë's hand and gives his half-brother an honest smile and words said in a far gentler tone than his usual. "I hear thee. So be it." Perhaps he has misjudged and Melkor's words were poison meant to strike at the heart of the House of Finwë.


Chapter End Notes

Fingolfin' and Fëanor's words from chapter "Of the Darkening of Valinor" from The Silmarillion.

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