Sons of Fire and Blood by Ar-Feiniel

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Hasty Riser

Turkafinwë Tyelkormo - Celegorm

Tolkien's clearest subversion of Prince Charming

In Elder Days there was a prince
His hair was freely-flowing gold
His face was fair as mountain springs
His gaze was neither young nor old.

He rode afar, he travelled wide
And learned the tongues of birds and beasts
Beneath the cloudless summer skie
His steps quickened, never ceased

A hunter he was in days of yore
Mighty with both blade and bow
And famed he was in ancient lore
Fair-haired and face aglow

He took an Oath with brothers six
To find the treasured Silmaril
The tragic doom he swore to fix
To win the war, to die or kill

 He ruled as lord in eastern lands
And vicious were his brazen blows
Yet the ground shifted like quicksand
In cruel defeats, away he rode

To seek refuge in the hidden caves
Yet proud ambition reared its head
He drove the king out like a slave
And sought to take the throne instead.

But cruel deeds yield bitter ends
And he, in turn, was forced to flee,
A coward deemed, deprived of friends
He won not power and caused much grief.

Then came that horrifying day
The Battle of Unnumbered Tears
When hope died at light of day
When reality mirrored his fears

But even then not all was lost
A jewel of hope amidst the night
They could reclaim, but at what cost?
One last bloody vicious fight.

 He spurred his brothers into war
The last act of a desperate prince
A hunter he was in days of yore
But he has lost his conscience since

He met death with open arms
A sword in hand, face proud and fair
Blood-splattered and eerily calm
In dark caves beneath the air

In Elder Days there was a prince,
From majesty he fell to woe
Driven mad by Oaths and sins
In dark Mandos he abodes. 

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