New Directions by hennethgalad

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


The friends of Eärendil, returning from Valinor.

With a surprise visitor.

Major Characters: Aerandir, Erellont, Falathar

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: New Directions

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 512
Posted on 4 July 2017 Updated on 4 July 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on New Directions

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That is beautifully written. I could be any of a dozen passages to use as an example of how I admire the language. Here is one of many:

At last, beyond the walls and towers of Finrod's Harbour, he had finally seen the sea; at first merely walking past the small hissing waves, then out into the vastness until he was up to his chest in the heaving swell, where he stood for many hours as the tide withdrew the water from around him until it merely lapped at his ankles, and he watched the sea with staring eyes, he watched the tide swoop back, rising coldly up his legs until the accusing finger of the rising moon began to question his mind.

And and I really loved the ending, 'I would have you find our sons... I would have you tell them of our love for them, of what we did, and that we did it for them. To bring hope.'