Melkor Stirs Strife among the Noldor by Nixie Genesis
Fanwork Notes
Posted as part of the Silmarillion40 event.
I went pretty traditional with my portrayal of Melkor, which is a bit different from my own headcanon, but I thought it appropriate.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Melkor weaves his lies, especially between the sons of Finwë. (Artwork) Major Characters: Fëanor, Fingolfin, Melkor Major Relationships: Genre: Challenges: Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 2, 714 |
Posted on 23 September 2017 | Updated on 23 September 2017 |
This fanwork is complete. |
(1) Comment by hennethgalad for Melkor Stirs Strife among...
all Morgoth has to say is 'Valar:terms and conditions apply.' heheheh
ok, thats a bit AU...
good concept, the length of the strings conveys that the power exerted is not simple and mechanical, and easy to defend against.
(getting a star wars vibe here...)
(2) Comment by hennethgalad for Melkor Stirs Strife among...
all Morgoth has to say is 'Valar:terms and conditions apply.' heheheh
ok, thats a bit AU...
good concept, the length of the strings conveys that the power exerted is not simple and mechanical, and easy to defend against.
(getting a star wars vibe here...)
Re: (2) Comment by hennethgalad for Melkor Stirs Strife among...
Hah! I could see him saying that for sure! Thanks so much for the review!
(3) Comment by Himring for Melkor Stirs Strife among the ...
The expression of Melkor as puppet player, both the focus of his concentration and sly satisfaction, are very well caught! (What is your own headcanon like? I'm not sure I've seen it.)
The suspicious glare between Feanor and Fingolfin is good, too, strong. And how the "strings" seem to be both obfuscating their perception of each other and feeding their fears, but are also not easily traceable back to the puppet master, because of their convolutedness.
Re: (3) Comment by Himring for Melkor Stirs Strife among the ...
Thanks so much! I'm still working on my use of expressions so it's encouraging to hear that I caught what I was going for. A rough drawing of my headcanon for both Melkor and Mairon is here: Thanks again so much for the review!
(4) Comment by Robinka for Melkor Stirs Strife among the ...
Master of puppets, no less!
Awesome piece of work :) Thank you.
Re: (4) Comment by Robinka for Melkor Stirs Strife among the ...
Ha! I was listening to Metallic while doing this, so in part, yeah! Totally Master of Puppets! Thank you for the review!
(5) Comment by Grundy for Melkor Stirs Strife among the N...
This really does convey how much Melkor was manipulating both sides, well done!
(6) Comment by Independence1776 for Melkor Stirs Strife a...
This is stunning!