The Promise by Tyelca

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Fanwork Notes

So I wrote this for the Ancestor challenge, although after only a few lines it took on a life of its own and went into another direction entirely. *shrugs* What can you do?

This story plays before Indis came into the picture, during a time when both Fëanor and Finwë felt the loss of Míriel acutely.

Throughout this fic, Fëanor is referred to as Curufinwë, since that's the name Finwë gave him.

Fanwork Information


Young Fëanor has nightmares. Finwë offers comfort to his only son.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Finwë

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama

Challenges: Ancestors

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 406
Posted on 12 October 2017 Updated on 12 October 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Promise

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Oh, wow! Not surprising that Feanor would have nightmares in world where children did not lose their parents. Poor Finwe too. Most parents will recognize that there is no suffering of one's own that equals that one feels when one of their children is unhappy.

Silmarillion fic can never get away from the foreshadowing can it? This story is beautifully done.

Thank you!

It always bothered me that in The Silmarillion no thought is given to how Fëanor must have been as a child, with his father a King and his mother gone. I always imagine it to be lonely, despite no doubt having many friends (being Crown Prince will make one popular ;). It is a unique situation that simply did not happen in Valinor; the only ones who could sympathize with his loss many experiences older and wiser.

It cannot have been easy for Finwë either, despite my personal less-than-positive opinion of him.

Foreshadowing? I have no idea what you mean xD Here Fëanor is having straight up visions of the future, that this exact promise brings about (what with Finwë always favoring Fëanor over his other children and following him into exile). I've always wondered if everything would've happened had Finwë not gone to Formenos, or come back with Fëanor and not have been killed by Melkor.

Sorry for the rant; I generally write about the things I myself am not really satisfied with. Anyway, thank you for the review!