Thirty Day Character Challenge: Feanor by eris_of_imladris

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Prompt 13

Prompt 13: Home Sweet Home, Part Two. Where does your character live? What are their domestic arrangements like? What do their sleeping/dining/cooking/working areas look like? Where do they go to pee and poop? What about their tastes in interior decoration? Take the time to think about one habitation of your character in as much detail as you can come up with.

Some headcanons about Fëanor’s home:

  • His home is not too far from Tirion, but far enough that he does not need to see his father’s family without warning. I see him as living closer to Mahtan, but not directly there either, perhaps in a triangular arrangement, all things considered.
  • He lives with Nerdanel (until their estrangement) and their children, each of whom has their own room, except the Ambarussa tend to be in each other’s rooms more often than not.
  • His home is spacious, since he likes having his own space, and it can be hard to have some alone time with such a large family.
  • His mother’s tapestries adorn his home; he would want to bring them from the palace as soon as possible after moving in.
  • Nerdanel’s sculptures are also around the home, as are the works of his sons; he never says “no” to putting up anything that anyone in his family has made, which tends to give an “organized chaos” look to his house as a whole.
  • There is a forge connected to his house; he tends to have far fewer apprentices than Mahtan, and he keeps the forge organized in a specific way that he does not like to be disturbed. There is also a secret forge where he created the Silmarils, in a wooded area on the property.
  • In terms of feel, his home is a mixture of the nobility of his position and the comfort of home, and he tries to divide between areas where his family can relax and where they could present themselves for more formal situations. There are two dining rooms, for example; one for formal occasions and one for eating with the family when no one else is around.
  • Generally, the family-oriented areas have unpretentious decoration. There are no golden faucets covered with gems in the bathroom. Everything is designed with function over form in areas where only he and his family would be looking.
  • His bedroom is somewhat of a mess to the naked eye, but with closer observation, an onlooker would realize that the piles of papers are in fact quite organized, just in perhaps an atypical way.

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