Thirty Day Character Challenge: Feanor by eris_of_imladris

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Prompt 18

Prompt 18: Fan Art/Fancast/Fanmix. Create fan art of your character. Don't have an artistic bone in your body? You can substitute finding three images of different people who would fit how you imagine your character to look, or three sets of clothing/costumes that the character might wear, or make a fanmix of songs that relate to your character.

** A/N: Since I utterly lack artistic skill, I decided to make some art in Lord of the Rings Online, using a High Elf character, a rather Fëanorian shirt, and some convenient ships – the white birds in the background are a bonus xD I was inspired by this beautiful art: (Unsure who made this, but I would love to credit the artist, so please let me know if you know who made it!)

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