Annael by Tomour

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Chapter 2; Annael, section 1

Prologue: Tuor, Veronwë and the Glamhoth

Chapter 1: Rian

Chapter 2: Annael (1 of 5 sections)

"What will we do with this one?" The tall Dawon challenged Annael, his captain, as they looked upon the infant sleeping in swaddling cloths.  “Humans are sickly.  How will we keep sickness and death from this boy when the Enemy presses us on all sides?"


Annael smiled at the child, touched the wisps of baby hair, saying nothing. 


To force the point Dawon said, "The short span granted to his kind can be cut shorter in a thousand ways," Annael glanced up  as Dawon pressed on "and this one will only be in the way.  Would it not be better to leave him with his own kind?" 


Annael looked back to the small face of Tuor for a minute more. Then he said, "His mother and father are dead, like their parents before them.  His father’s brother is imprisoned in Thangodrim and Tuor’s aunt and cousins are in mortal danger.”  The babe's eyes, dark little pools, fluttered open and looked into his as Annael spoke. 


He turned his head to look straight at Dawon, “Surely you don't think we are incapable, that we know not the wells of wellness?” His eyebrows arched, “I am certain, we will not fail where his people would struggle to succeed." 


Dawon said nothing, and glowered at the child. The long locks of his hair hung in two straight lines, framing his fey face.


"Besides," Annael continued, "we owe a debt to his father.” He reached out toward the infant, watched the eyes focus on his fingers. "I will never forget his parting words to Lord Turgon: “From you and from me a new star shall arise.” Again, Anneal caught Dawon’s eyes, “I am certain you would not have me undo my promise to his mother, nor dishonor our long friendship with his ancestors before him, back to old Hador."  


Far off, in the silent trees, a jay called raucously. Annael looked out the window, then back to Dawon's downcast face, "This more I believe, the fate spoken by Tuor’s parents is from the Valar. It is our destiny to shelter the good that Tuor bears."  He returned to the child, cooed a little and touched the babe's forehead lightly. Tuor moved his infant hands, waving.  Smiling broadly, Annael concluded, 

"We will raise this mortal child as one of our own."  Dawon looked with concern on his brow, and nodded silently. 


So Tuor was sheltered among the elves. Rian's son was like a ray of light in the darkness, but light can be dangerous when you are trying to hide.  Since he was their only child as 'uncles and aunts' they all fed, carried and sang to the babe till he walked and played.  Dawon watched him like a hawk, expecting every cut or bruise to kill him, while strong Amdír played with Tuor. His thick arms carelessly tossed the toddler in the air just to make him laugh.  In joy and safety Tuor grew to be strong and golden-haired like his father

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