The Rise and Fall of Celebrimbor Curufinwion
Series compiled by Aiwen
Stories about or containing Celebrimbor.
- Series Information
Stories about or containing Celebrimbor.
Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Galadriel, Sauron
Major Relationships:
Genre: General
Fanworks in "The Rise and Fall of Celebrimbor Curufinwion"

In the House of Feanor by Aiwen
Warnings: No warnings apply
Short stories containing members of House Feanor doing interesting, amusing, and strange things. Chapter Nine: Of Mice and Maiar.

Of Oaths, Common Sense, and a Silmaril by Aiwen
Warnings: Mature Themes
The third Kinslaying was a hideous self-inflicted wound for the elves of Beleriand. With a little common sense and pragmatism, could it have been averted? Or is that asking too much of all parties involved?

Rings of Pride; Rings of Ruin by Aiwen
Warnings: No warnings apply
Celebrimbor discovers that Annatar has betrayed them all, and has to take responsibility for the situation before total disaster can result.