Cyclical History by Lferion

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Fanwork Notes

Written For the Silmarillion Writer's Guild February 2020 Crackuary Bingo Challenge. Fill for G-5: Silmarillion Slam Book

Many thanks to Runa and Morgynleri for encouragement and sanity-checking.

On AO3

Fanwork Information


People have been people, and will continue to be people, for a very long time. Elves are definitely people.

Major Characters: Amrod, Littleheart

Major Relationships:

Genre: Crackfic, Family, Fixed-Length Ficlet

Challenges: Crackuary

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 100
Posted on 8 March 2020 Updated on 8 March 2020

This fanwork is complete.

Cyclical History

Read Cyclical History

t was late, very late, in the Twelfth age of the world (or the Seventh, going by blocks of coronar, 12-cubed-doubled an age, rather than demarked by earth-shaking event) and life in Aman went on, not quite as it ever had. (For one thing, more than one Silmaril graced the sky, the subject of more than one tale.)

"And what, may I ask," said Ilverin to the pair of offspring before him, distinguished from each other only in the astonishing colors of their identically styled hair, looking mournfully at the grubby notebook in Amrod's hand, "is a ‘Silmarillion slam book’?"

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