Service to the Dead by heget

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Fanwork Notes

Dedicated to freespierit, loyal fan of Gorlim and Eilinel

Fanwork Information


“But why are you here, M’lord? And not in thine Halls or reborn o’er the seas?” Gorlim asked.

“There is no peace for me there,” answered the armored phantom. “I vowed never to be reborn, and spoke this oath before the Doomsman. He accepted, loathe though he was at my resolve. I am not my cousins, to ever rest from this war against the Great Foe. So he sends me thither, to fight Morgoth once more, in the manner of the servants of Mandos.”

The Team-up Fic You Never Knew You Needed: the Ghosts of Gorlim and Aegnor Have Adventures (While Somebody Steals a Silmaril)

Major Characters: Aegnor, Beren, Gorlim, Original Male Character(s), Sauron

Major Relationships:

Genre: Adventure, General


Rating: General


Chapters: 3 Word Count: 15, 572
Posted on 11 March 2020 Updated on 17 September 2020

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

The following chapter contains linked footnotes for dialogue. A pet peeve of mine is long strings of untranslated dialogue in a different language than the one that the fic is written in, as sacrilegious as it is for a Tolkien fan to admit. My exceptions are the odd vocabulary term and sometimes poetry or as a bonus in footnotes. However late in this chapter, two characters speak several sentences of what the pov character cannot in-universe translate, so I've included the dialogue in the footnotes.

Apologies for the long delay; real life family stress.
This chapter we get a few more ghosts, I try as best I can to answer a conundrum of the Lay of Leithian and the published Silmarillion - the lack of detail of who remained in Dorthonion after the ambush of Barahir to witness Beren's next deeds of bravery and resistance against Morgoth as to immortalize him in song and rumor. The Nightshade is on full display.

Comments on Service to the Dead

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Thank you. Friendships between the the Edain and Elves interest me a little more than stories only about one or the other, and Aegnor and Gorlim are definitely fun to write. Beren's four solo years in Dorthonion don't seem to get a lot of attention, which is a shame, though the plan for this story will end up up through the Lay of Leithian.