March 2020 instadrabbles! by RaisingCaiin

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sunlight, quiver, bowl, luscious

for the prompt "sunlight, quiver, bowl, luscious"

Finrod watches Edrahil in Nargothrond

Taking advantage of the rare winter sunlight, Artaresto leads the guard beyond Nargothrond for drills. Silver bow and slim quiver gleam in the weak light, but their glare is not so strong that Findaráto cannot pick out one archer in particular.

 Edrahil stands tall and proud amongst his peers, all of them except him Noldor and Sindar. Even from this distance, his stalwart form and intense expression are enough to bowl Findaráto over with some nameless feeling

Slightly stunned, his mind runs through the best descriptions he can think of. Luscious? Too sensual. Pleasing? Too selfish.


Yes, Findaráto decides somewhat hastily, that description will do rather nicely. He leans forward again to watch the show.

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