dust, brighter, untouchable, world
Fëanor/ Nerdanel. Vaguely set in my Companions in Many Journeys ‘verse.
It was in the dusty deserts of Valinor that we met. I remember still how you loved the heat, how it made your body feel protected and embraced. Even in the early days, you always carried with you a coat of fear. I loved the heat for a different reason; it made you shine brighter than the sand mounds, brighter than the city. It filled us up with a brightness that could be our own, no one else’s. And for you, this was key. We traversed the edges of our world together. Ironically, now you have left me to travel alone in a world with edges that are not so easy to reach. You were always somewhat uncomfortable with interaction, somewhat untouchable and unreachable. I wonder how you’re doing in a world without me. You are so charismatic and studied in every nuance of language that I’m sure you’re functioning just fine, but have you found anyone to care for you? I couldn’t bear to do it anymore, and I don’t regret my decision. I am still angry about all that you took, but all the same, I hope you’ve found someone who comes close enough to reach you in that vast world.
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