Asëa aranion by firstamazon

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


The Grinding Ice. Findekáno makes a discovery and wants to share it.

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth

Rating: General

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 655
Posted on 22 September 2020 Updated on 22 September 2020

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I think I may be obsessed with Findekáno writing letters - but this came out in a whim and, within a blink, I had it. So here it is, unpolished but done. My entry for the SWG Challenge: Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth.

Comments on Asëa aranion

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I like the idea that they found kingsfoil and it gave them a little hope, even if even the hope is painful. (And I suppose Maitimo will need so much of it later on, after the rescue from Thangorodrim, if it is to be had...)

The idea that Fingon is counting days from the Doom makes me sad but makes total sense.

Oof, there was a lot packed into this letter, wasn't there!

Their suffering on the ice, not harped on but none the less present.  And this line>> But then, no one here is in their right minds – I least of all. << oof!

Then the flower, of course - the titular element - athelas!  I love how the smell lingers and lifts them up!  Beautiful fic! <3