Midwinter 2020 Instadrabbling by Lindariel

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Chapter 2

Eregion, early in the Second Age.  Prompts:  new-spilled, stumpy, downward, discarded.

Galadriel marveled anew at the skills of dwarves. Flói's stumpy fingers crafting the silver wire possessed a beauty her own people seldom appreciated, or even recognized. She recalled the times she had watched Aulë himself in his workshop, moving no more smoothly than this. He had taught his children well, and they had taught their children well.

She watched his sure hands as he adjusted the soldering flame downward so the new-spilled flux would transform more slowly. Even the filigree offcuts he discarded for their minute imperfections were the most delicate she had ever seen, whether in Aman or Ennor.

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