Midwinter 2020 Instadrabbling by Lindariel

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Chapter 3

Doriath, early in the First Age.  Prompts:  courage, manuscript, constraint, campsite.

Alatáriel sat at Finrod's campsite, striving to find courage amid the constraints of kinship.

Although Thingol had not sent her away along with her brothers, she had thought it wise to vanish from his sight for a while. Taking only her portable writing desk and her Grey-elven cloak, she slipped out to join her brothers on the banks of Esgalduin.

She drew her journal from the desk, striving to block out Angrod's shouting and Finrod's lugubrious harping as she found her place in the manuscript. She dipped her pen, writing "today I have a new name. I shall be Galadriel."

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