Eagle's eye by SkyEventide
Fanwork Notes
Written for the 6th of January prompt for the January challenge, breaking the 4th wall is the prompt chosen.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Manwe and Mandos watch the Nirnaeth. They break the fourth wall. Major Characters: Ingwë, Mandos, Manwë Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: Crackuary, New Year's Resolution Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 193 |
Posted on 5 January 2021 | Updated on 5 January 2021 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Eagle's eye
Read Eagle's eye
From up high atop the mountain, one can easily see the deployment of forces: in the east, Maedhros with Bór and the dwarves of the mountains led by crowned Azaghâl, and his six brothers and their people with their red vessels shining in the wind as rubies, betrayed by Ulfang in the rear, fending off Melkor's creatures in the van; in the west, the High King's early charge, met in the middle of Anfauglith by the foul army that heaved out of the Iron Prison, joined in the rear by Turgon's people, their blue banners shining in the wind as sapphires.
The union split in half in the sighing dust, the screams of battle echoing as a cacophony.
One voice rises above the clamour.
Auta i lómë!, it cries. Aurë entuluva! Day shall come again!
Námo turns this way, to the Creator. « And then it didn't. »
Manwë also turns this way, and sighs, his piercing eyes leaving the battlefield far below and in the lands beyond.
Ingwë blinks, puzzled, startled from his reading. But Manwë lifts a hand, reassuring. « Worry not, my friend. He is not talking with you. »