Tales of the Years of the Sun
Series compiled by Fadesintothewest
A series of stories exploring the exploits of the House of Fingolfin during the first years of the Years of the Sun.
- Series Information
A series of stories exploring the exploits of the House of Fingolfin during the first years of the Years of the Sun.
Major Characters: Aegnor, Angrod, Aredhel, Argon, Ecthelion of the Fountain, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Glorfindel, Írimë, Turgon
Major Relationships:
Genre: Adventure, Drama, General
Fanworks in "Tales of the Years of the Sun"

The Plunge by Fadesintothewest
Warnings: Character Death
Set just prior to and in the first years of the Years of the Sun in the First Age. Fingolfin’s host has made it to Middle Earth where they encounter orcs in the Battle of Lammoth. This is the story of the consequences of that battle and the Noldor coming to terms with their new home and identities, centering on Fingon. Part of a series where I will explore the House of Fingolfin in the early years of the Years of the Sun.

Evergreen by Fadesintothewest
Warnings: Character Death
Findekáno explores the new lands of Middle Earth, coming to terms with what it means to call this place home. Written for B2MeM 2014.