Voices of Despair by ford_of_bruinen

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I stare over the sea, over to where I can still see the faint lights of the isle, gliding through the water. They did not wait. They have forsaken us.

If I close my eyes I can almost see it, the light from the trees of which Elwë spoke. It sounded a fanciful tale of a child as he talked, feverishly, of a land where the sky was bright and the light of stars poured out of one tall tree, but I wished to see it. I ached for that light. I imagine liquid stars upon my tongue as tears burn behind my eyes.

Elwë was lost, our leader, our strength and the people scattered. We searched long while the others left, the first and second kindred gone already, to the light. I begged, I pleaded and we went forward, pausing only for one last search before we left.

Now I stand here, watching the isle of my people fade into darkness. We are betrayed, left behind, forsaken by the king who begged us to search once more. The light… I so badly wanted to see the light, just once.

We are the forsaken ones, the Eglath of the sea.

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