Maglor's whisper by ford_of_bruinen

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Maglor's whisper

Tired so tired of all we have done,
Of betrayal, bloodshed and hate.
How did we come to this, brothers?
How did we fall so far ?

Weary so weary from years of fighting,
As all of you left me behind,
Only two of us now remaining
And still no hope of peace.

A new star is lit, will it finally end,
Brother is there still hope for us?
Remember, my brother, our youths
And the childish dreams we had?

Shattered so shattered of all that has been,
Of years of pain and of grief.
Where are our lovers now, brother,
Will they have found their peace?

Tired so tired of all we have done,
Of betrayal, bloodshed and hate.
How did we come this far, brother,
When we had lost our way?

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