Seagull flight by ford_of_bruinen

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Seagull flight

Spreading wings, touching the sea, caressing the surface
A child’s dream realised
In  a moment of despair.
Exhilaration takes the fear, the sadness, the grief
The wind beats
Lifting me invisible currents
Then reality crashes into newfound wings.

I left them behind, the dear ones, the loved ones, my sons
As once my brothers, twins,
Lingered and died, forgotten.
Will they die, nest-less, deserted, waning to skin, bones
Torn by beasts
Remains scattered over sea, field, forest
slaughtered lambs fallen to Feanorian harshness

My seagull-voice screams, pain, despair on easterly winds
blameless sacrifices,
My babes, left for greater good
Cursed be they ever, proud princes, cruel persecutors
of blood, unrepentant sinners, ever evil
Fighting their lost cause as darkness strangles, ever-growing
Blasphemous souls, ever lost.

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