Diplomacy by Vicki_Turner

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


What power enables the cursed Feanorions to inspire such intense loyalty that elves would be willing to kill their kin for the sake of their Lords? A short story where young Elros glimpses the Maedhros power for this "diplomacy". 

Major Characters: Elros

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 878
Posted on 24 May 2008 Updated on 24 May 2008

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Diplomacy

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This is fascinating.  I am always interested in stories that deal with Maedhros’s relationship with Elros or Elrond because there is such a range in them.

There is a nice sequence here: at first Elros is “happy” and Maedhros is “Uncle Maedhros” and they seem to be one good terms, and it is after a seemingly harmless occurrence that Elros starts to rethink his opinions.  It is logical that Elros would second-guess his position (“captivity” as opposed to “generous fostering”), although it seems almost random, the way that it happens.  But then again, I guess when he sees Maedhros’s great talent with politics, it makes sense that he would wonder about him.  So overall, I really liked the dynamic between them.

In a couple places you’ve got this typo where you say “spare” when I think you mean “spar” but that’s really my only criticism.

Thank you so much for the review. There is so many aspects to Elrond and Elros relationship to Maedhros and Maglor. The Silmarillion doesn't give their relationship barely any attention, but I believe its pivotal to the development of Elrond and Elros' character. 

Perhaps, Elros questioning seems a tad random in this story. I might go back and give a little more back story since this little ficlet stands alone, but corresponds with my previous writings about Elros, Elrond, and the Feanorions, where Elros often overhears rumors whenever he is in town about Maedhros "real" reason to keeping the twins.

 where you say "spare" when I think you mean "spar"

 whoops! I thought I had caught all those! Thanks for pointing it out.