Love Not Wisdom by oshun

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Chapter 1


After cleaning Beleg's wrists with uncharacteristic tenderness, Túrin wrapped them in clean strips of cloth. He raised his eyes to Beleg. "I am sorry. But so happy that you are here. You will stay, won't you?"

It would be incredibly easy just to kiss him. Túrin's manner told him that this would not be one of the times when he would be reluctant to respond. "If I stayed beside you, love would lead me, not wisdom. My heart warns me that we should return to Doriath, elsewhere a shadow lies before."1

"So, you will remain?" Hopeful. Irresistible.

He kissed him and Túrin melted against him. Fumbling with the buckle of Túrin's belt, Beleg whispered, "I will stay. Did you truly think I might not?"

"I hoped you would. I will make sure you do not regret it."

"Ai, Túrin, I know I will regret it. As, no doubt, will you."

1The Children of Húrin, "Túrin among the Outlaws"

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