not love, but worship.

Series compiled by esquitor

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he inspires in others what he feels within himself.

admiration. respect. love. worship. (for melkor.)

fear. regret. despair. (for the valar.)

betrayal. (his own.)

a collection of writings on mairon, and how he becomes what he will become.

(a fancy way of saying how i explore headcanon for the gazillion years of mairon\'s life until the end of the world)

Series Information


he inspires in others what he feels within himself.

admiration. respect. love. worship. (for melkor.)

fear. regret. despair. (for the valar.)

betrayal. (his own.)

a collection of writings on mairon, and how he becomes what he will become.

(a fancy way of saying how i explore headcanon for the gazillion years of mairon\'s life until the end of the world)

Major Characters: Ar-Pharazôn, Gothmog, Melkor, Nazgûl, Númenóreans, Sauron, Witch-king of Angmar

Major Relationships:

Genre: Adventure, Slash/Femslash, Suspense


Fanworks in "not love, but worship."