Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Maglor's wanderings take him up the Anduin, where orcs find him and take him to Dol Guldur--where the Necromancer dwells.
A collection of Silmarillion-centric drabbles written for the Tengwar Challenge. Short and sweet!
Bob and Nob, hobbit servants at the Prancing Pony, prank the famous tavern sign. Meanwhile, the people of Bree worry about minor threats - a dwarf sighting, a wolf's paw print, and the mysterious Rangers, while failing to notice the two extremely dangerous Nazgul who are sitting at the bar, drinking beer.
After the Ring War ends, Khamûl and the rest of the Nazgûl open an exfoliant business. In order to expand it, Khamûl decides to open a stall at Tharbad’s Greenway Spring Faire.
Written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2015.
This is the tale of the surviving child of Celebrimbor of Eregion and how she fared through the Ages of the world. From the Fall of Ost-in-Edhil to Imladris and the vastness of Second Age Eriador, the fight against Sauron seems never ending.
Warning for slightly adjusted timeline according to the story needs, but not too noticeable as the structure stays intact. Also, poetry.
The main theme of the Non-Canon stories here will be Humor/Parody, bordering on the "Heretic". Please do not read if you are easily offended by these contents.
All stories will contain much adult language, innuendo, nudity, suggestive/compromising positions, and many embarassing situations for the characters, especially the Fëanorions and Mary Sue.
he inspires in others what he feels within himself.
admiration. respect. love. worship. (for melkor.)
fear. regret. despair. (for the valar.)
betrayal. (his own.)
a collection of writings on mairon, and how he becomes what he will become.
(a fancy way of saying how i explore headcanon for the gazillion years of mairon\'s life until the end of the world)
\"Mordorian romantic drama at its finest.\" ~ Times of Khand
\"Tragic yet titillating.\" ~ Númenor News Network
\"That shit\'s nasty!\" ~ PlayDwarf
\"Who the fuck nicked my lube?!\" ~Lurtz
\"*noisy retching*\" ~ RivendailyThis is a not-so-classic tale of \"Orc boy meets Elf girl\", which proves once and for all that having the Dark Lord as your third bed-partner is NOT a good idea. One does not simply walk into Mordor... or anywhere near it. This is a very dark tale, as tales set under the Eye are wont to be. For Darkness taints all it touches, but without it the little glimmers of Light would not be as powerful.
This series started out as smut and I never intended to write any more than the first part. But then I got hit by an irresistible load of \"WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!\" and kept writing. Let\'s see where this takes us! PS. It\'s still smut, but now it\'s smut with a story. I hope. DS.
Valar play a chess game which has consequences in the real lives of the folk below them.
Even at the best of times, life in the Black Land is a struggle. Its denizens seem to be their own worst enemies and things are rarely as they first seem. A certain Orc finds that out the hard way. Sequel to "Wolves And Shattered Shields".
A collection of fills written for rthstewart's 3 Sentence Ficathon in 2013 and 2015, for Tolkien-based prompts. (Mostly Silmarillion, with one for Farmer Giles of Ham and Sir Orfeo, and one non-Tolkien crossover.)
Chapters 2 & 3: More Tolkien-based fills written for caramelsilver's 3 Sentence Ficathon in 2016 and 2017.
50 years before the War of the Ring, the Mouth of Sauron is pranked by the Nazgul on his first day as Chief Ambassador for Mordor.
Who were the Nine before they became Ringwraiths - and after? Intended as a collection of Wraith-centric pieces whenever they come to me.
60 years before the War of the Ring, The Mouth of Sauron is being raised as an illegitimate son in the house of his father. More than anything, he craves security and a title of his own.
In the Halls of Mandos, Celebrimbor and Gil-galad receive a unique assignment: go as ghosts to Barad-dur and distract Sauron from his war against the free peoples of Middle-earth. MEFA 2010 Humor Incomplete 3rd place winner.
Sauron assassinates Ar-Pharazôn before the Great Armament can be sent against Valinor, and takes power as Steward, turning the military might of Numenor and Mordor against the Eldar and Faithful; the history of Arda is altered forever.
Tells the story of the rise and fall of the two dark lords, from the collapse of the fortress in Tol-in-Gaurhoth, to the collapse of Barad-dûr, and what came next. Mainly told from Melkor and Sauron's perspective. Continuation of my other fic: "The Burnt God", though it may be read separately. Occasional slash (mainly Melkor x Sauron)
When the Great Plague reaches Dol Guldur, Sauron thinks he can't catch it. He is wrong.
Sauron went to Umbar wearing the Ring, not expecting to be captured and taken to Númenor. How did the Ring get back to Barad-dûr?
The History of the Downfall, from Ar Sakalthôr's accession to Ar Pharazôn's Armada. EPILOGUE: In Middle-earth, life begins anew, and hope lies hidden in the most unlikely places. Story now complete.