Comments on Arkenstone

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Now that is a fun AU. I like the concept very much. Also like the idea that Gandalf worrying that his memory is fading--a reaction to the bodily form he has taken. I assume it would be restored immediately when he decides to cast off his elderly Mortal's body. Of course, my favorite part is Maedhros giving the stone to the Dwarves and walking away from it.

Awesome, awesome story Clotho!  And you leave us in such suspense as to what happened after, w/r to the giver of the "Arkenstone."

"By Dwarvish standards unbreakable oaths of blood-thirsty vengeance were perfectly reasonable things, so he would not have felt inclined to criticise even if his guest had not just presented him with the worth of a kingdom."

Indeed.  This has always been a point that's confused me greatly w/r to the Feanorians.  If they'd been anything other than Elves, the battles of Alqualonde, Doriath and Sirion would have just been battles.  But since they were Elves, for some reason they're held to a much higher standard.  This is OK, I suppose, but I just don't see why the Teleri of Aman, the Sindar of Doriath, and the mixed folk of Sirion are all held blameless, when the Teleri attacked first and the others refused to give up jewels they had zero right to claim.  Not sure if you're sympathetic to this viewpoint, but at least Radsvinn is!

Anyway, once again, great story :)
