Fairest by spookystoy

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Fanwork Notes

A drabble for the LJ community Stories_100; the prompt: too much. Inspired by an exchange with Rhapsody and her Celegorm muse. :)

Fanwork Information


Yeah, yeah, Celegorm's the fairest of the Sons of Fëanor, but how many times does he need to hear it? Curufin cannot resist tweaking his brother's vanity.

Major Characters: Celegorm, Curufin

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, Humor


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 102
Posted on 1 March 2009 Updated on 1 March 2009

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1


"Such insult is too much to bear. Am I not regarded as the fairest Fëanorian? Any other would consider my suit a blessing." Celegorm studied his reflection, searching for some heretofore unnoticed, maiden-repelling blemish.

"Indeed, I cannot imagine you named other than the most handsome," Curufin agreed unenthusiastically, accustomed to his brother's healthy opinion of his charms, and saw Celegorm's indignant expression turn self-satisfied.

"However," he continued, feigning innocence, "I have overheard some maidens proclaim Maedhros's appeal far surpasses any of Finwë's line." He hid a smile as Celegorm frowned, a line creasing the expanse between his perfectly groomed brows.


Chapter End Notes



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Brilliant! To me you capture Curufin's intent so well, from casually so disinterested from just speaking those words that will hit home with Celegorm... This is very effectively drabbled: you pick a scene and give us for that brief moment the insight in their dynamics. It doesn't need more, you show us how Curufin was able to get under Celegorm's skin and instigate well... trouble. What a treat!