Comments on Till Fire Purge All Things New

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And you've reduced me to a fit of incoherent squeeing with those verses taken from one of my favorite passages in PL!  Those verses are so bloody appropriate.

Thanks so much!  This ficlet was spawned this morning over my second cuppa Tanzanian medium-roast.  It may very well become the centerpiece of a chapter in Eregion (if I still have the energy and guts to tackle that).  If that chapter ever materializes, I can see it titled "Into This Wild Abyss." :^)  *Shiver*  Milton has a way with words.

Thanks muchly, Rhapsy! Glad to know that you noted that moment of hesitation followed by that supremely arrogant confidence which indicates (my version of) Sauron is in character.\r\n\r\nIn my \'verse, Melkor can scream all he wants. No sound\'s going to get past that accretion disk. ;^)

Thanks, Binka!  You know, I actually have a picture painted in my head of this scene, but executing it is another matter.  Maybe once I complete my "legendarium" I should take a class or two to reactivate my art n' design sensibilities and illustrate my own work! :^D  But for now, I'll just "paint" with words. 

I have goosebumps! This is just wonderful, not happy-skipping-tra-la-lally wonderful, but dark and evocative and definitely thought-provoking wonderful. :^D That brief moment in the middle where Sauron shows that he has doubts somehow make the physicality of it worse in the end; it's so much easier when he's not sympathetic.

Beautiful writing, as always. :)