Till Fire Purge All Things New
The circle of fire seared his skin. Casting tendrils of light against the stone vaults of the chamber, his creation hoarded subterranean heat -- this culmination of the temptation of beautiful minds, of horrific betrayal, and after much toil and many trials, what might be success.
This ring, this one ring – so simple but not complete; this ring, his ring – like a willing lover, its quiescent flame awaited his entry, its empty template yearning for him to define its existence. Its light burned his eyes, his fate engraved in its script. His whole body quaked; his guts twisted into knots of uncertainty.
What if it works this time? Do I dare disturb the universe?
He stared at the ring and the domes of blistered accusation rising on his hand. Yet the pain purified him, purging him of fear. He knew the answer. Cold conviction froze tepid doubt. He breathed in the acrid pyromancy of the mountain’s fires, his throat raked raw, but the words he chanted were the stuff of song, resonant with the thrum of the mountain and the thunder of the skies:
Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul...and his mind screamed as it split in twain.

Chapter End Notes
Many, many thanks to Robinka for the fantastic illustration!
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