The Arrow For Its Swiftness: Misadventures of a Fëanorian
Series compiled by Zdenka
This series contains scenes from the life of Feredwen, an original character who served the House of Fëanor. I reorder the series when I add something new to keep the sequence approximately chronological, but individual parts skip around in time so that isn\'t always possible.
- Series Information
This series contains scenes from the life of Feredwen, an original character who served the House of Fëanor. I reorder the series when I add something new to keep the sequence approximately chronological, but individual parts skip around in time so that isn\'t always possible.
Major Characters: Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s)
Major Relationships:
Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, General
Fanworks in "The Arrow For Its Swiftness: Misadventures of a Fëanorian"

The Messengers of Celegorm by Zdenka
Warnings: Character Death, Violence (Mild)
After Lúthien’s capture by Celegorm, the Silmarillion says “Celegorm sent messengers to Thingol urging his suit” and “Thingol was wrathful” (understandably!). But what happened to the messengers? (A sequence of eight drabbles.)

I Find No Peace by Zdenka
Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence (Mild)
After the end of the War of Wrath, Feredwen, a follower of the sons of Fëanor, decides not to return to the Blessed Realm.

Paths of Exile by Zdenka
Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Violence (Mild)
Moments on a Fëanorian’s journey, from the Oath to the fall of Ost-in-Edhil. (A sequence of six drabbles.)

Light and Labor Past by Zdenka
Warnings: Mature Themes
The smiths of Eregion prepare to face Sauron. (The narrator is Feredwen, an original character.)

The Mists of Memory by Zdenka
Warnings: Violence (Moderate)
During the Fëanorian invasion of Doriath, Feredwen is briefly snared by memory.

All That We're Fighting For by Zdenka
Warnings: Mature Themes
Feredwen copes badly with the aftermath of the Third Kinslaying and sees the new star rise for the first time. (With cameos by Maedhros, Maglor, and a Silmaril.)