The Mists of Memory by Zdenka

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Fanwork Notes

Written for Legendarium Ladies April 2015.

The prompt was “Into the Unknown” and the poem “Far Away, From My Hill” by Olga Orozco. The full poem is found at the prompt post here, but I was inspired by these lines in particular:

 Perhaps I had loved them under another sky . . .
But, over the hills,
your sister, memory, a young branch still in her hands,
tells once more the unfinished story of a misty country.

Fanwork Information


During the Fëanorian invasion of Doriath, Feredwen is briefly snared by memory.

Major Characters: Original Female Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Violence (Moderate)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 66
Posted on 27 May 2016 Updated on 27 May 2016

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Mists of Memory

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Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked reading about Feredwen.

This particular ficlet is marked as completed and I don't think there will be more of it, but if you want to read more about her, you can check out the other pieces in the same series. I also have two more pieces about Feredwen on AO3 which I haven't transfered to SWG yet, and some WIPs which I will post here when they're done. :)

A new Feredwen piece! I was really struck by this one. We see classic Feredwen in action--"he would learn the price of defying her lords when he lacked the power to hold his own, much less what was theirs"--but also learn a good deal about her past and about aspects of herself that she's found it neccessary to supress in order to do her duty effectively. I rather wonder whether it really was the remnants of Melian's power that caused her to remember the Years of the Trees, or whether that it was just a trick of the light. 

Also, the two names are great, how they sound similar but mean quite different things.

Thank you! It always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when people like my OC. Technically this one isn't new, but it's new to SWG.

A good question, about how much is Melian's power vs. Feredwen's own suppressed emotions and doubts. I imagined it as a leftover bit of Melian's enchantments, acting without guidance but vaguely trying to protect Doriath by distracting those who came with hostile intent, but Feredwen is an expert at denial, so I'm happy leaving it open to interpretation.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked the names.