Chapter 1
Read Chapter 1
The Wanderer
An exile roams, sad renegade,
Sorrow’s son, in form a shade
Of what he was in younger days
Before the sun,
In Tirion –
A song of grief he plays.
Once his voice the heart did lift,
“Forging Gold” his name and gift
Spun beauty from his harping hands.
Now mourns he
Beside dark sea
Alone on alien strands.
For evil oath he once did swear
At any cost three jewels fair
To reclaim, and killed his kin
Whose help denied,
And so they died –
And Elvenkind knew sin.
Of these vile acts he did repent
And counsel to his brother sent
That they should break their solemn word
The gems to gain,
For too much pain
To others had occurred.
But this his brother would do not,
And so together they did plot.
Two jewels in the end they gained,
But hallowed stone
Seared flesh and bone –
Past crimes left them profaned.
In despair his brother fell
Into a pit, and there will dwell
In raging fires deep in the earth
A gem of light,
Its luster bright,
Until the world’s rebirth.
The other gem is in the sea
Where Maglor threw it after he
The jewel could no longer hold.
In pain he sings
Of dreadful things –
Sorrows as yet untold.
Maglor! Though believe you do
Your banishment eternal, true
It is that Elves can die of grief;
In Mandos’ care
Your soul you’ll bare,
And thus will find relief.
(1) Comment by Dawn Felagund for The Wanderer [Ch 1]
I like it! I especially like the final stanza ... and particularly that you do see relief for him. However much fun it is to look for him on the Boardwalk in Ocean City each summer, I don't like to think that he's still alive into our age. :^/
Re: (1) Comment by Dawn Felagund for The Wanderer [Ch 1]
I'm glad you enjoyed it, Dawn. I don't like the thought of Maglor wandering alone forever, either; of all the brothers, he's alway struck me aas the one most deserving of a merciful end - and just because the Silmarillion writer says he 'came never back among the people of the Elves' doesn't mean that's true. (If you ever DO spot him on the Ocean City boardwalk, though, please let me know!)
(2) Comment by Adonnen Estenniel for The Wanderer [Ch 1]
A lovely piece. The rhyme felt natral and smooth throughout, and the meter worked very well, though at times I felt you compensated the content of each line in order to stay with form. I did like how you became more personal in the last stanza, switching from an omniscient out-of-story narrator to an in-story conversation, as it worked very well and gave the end a rounded feel.
Maglor's characterisation throughout this poem was perfect, in my opinion. In describing him, you managed to make readers feel at his troubles in a charming manner.