The Journey Back by Erins Daughter

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Fanwork Notes

This was originally written for [info]dawn_felagund's VERY belated birthday present a few years ago.

Fanwork Information


Maedhros want to die on Thangorodrim, Fingon won't let him.

Major Characters: Caranthir

Major Relationships:



Rating: Adult

Warnings: Violence (Graphic)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6, 427
Posted on 29 June 2009 Updated on 29 June 2009

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents


This story contains extreme bloodshed, specifically amputation. Also, descriptions of post torture physical condition.

The story also contains a male/male relationship.

Comments on The Journey Back

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I'm so glad to see you've posted this story here!  It's definitely the best retelling of Maedhros's rescue I've every read; it doesn't stint at showing the horrors of the situation, but there's hope at the end as well.

FYI:  for some reason, the site has Caranthir listed as the sole character.  Shouldn't it be Maedhros and Fingon instead?  I'd edit that, so the story will come up properly in any reader searches.

Wow. I just... wow.

This is most definitely one of the best Silmarillion fics I have ever read. Such beautiful writing, and the description of the actual freeing of Maedhros... it was realistic, and brutally so, and that's not something that can be said of many fics. And the whole thing was also pretty heartbreaking! And amazing!

You wrote Fingon's point of view really well, but I also thought your characterization of Maglor was great.

So overall this was a really, really good story.