Mavoinë by Fiondil

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


On a lonely hill overlooking Andúnië, an Elf watches his mortal friend build a tower and is filled with grave misgivings as to its purpose.

Major Characters: Ainur, Arminas, Isilmo, Original Character(s), Tar-Minastir, Tar-Telperiën

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama

Challenges: Akallabêth in August

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4, 286
Posted on 7 August 2009 Updated on 7 August 2009

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This story takes place in the early years of Queen Telperien’s reign. As she is unmarried at this time (and indeed never marries), her younger brother Isilmo is her heir. At her death, Isilmo’s son becomes the next King of Númenor, taking the throne-name ‘Tar-Minastir’, for ‘he built a high tower upon the hill of Oromet, nigh to Andúnië and the west shores, and thence would spend great part of his days gazing westward’ [UT, ‘The Line of Elros’]. So, for purposes of this story, I have given him the birth-name ‘Isildil’. His son, who will take the throne-name Tar-Ciryatan, is here named ‘Telemnar’. At the time of this story, Tar-Minastir (Isildil) is 160 years old, and Telperien is 314. She has been Queen for the last 78 years.

Comments on Mavoinë

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Oh that last line speaks volumes: it is so sad to read that Isildil cannot let go of the feeling that somethings should be his, but has been taken away from him (thinking about what Andreth said to Finrod). Especially births of newborn remind you of your own mortality, knowing that one day you have to let go of a life you so love, so sad that Isildil cannot live that life anymore as he remains in that tower of his.

It is a poignant image at the end, for sure, Rhapsody. And of course, Isildil´s longing is merely a microcosm of the discontent that will eventually plague most of the people of Numenor as time goes on. Isildil is the first to voice his discontent, but he will not be the last. Thanks for reviewing, Rhapsody. I very much appreciate it.

Another great story! The tragedy begins, and it is so sad to watch it unfold. The nature of the gify, as opposed to the Elves' immortality, is fascinating, especially because much of the material we have from Tolkien views the issue from the immortal pov. The drama and conflict in your story is a fascinating one. Seeing the beginnings of Isildil's obsession without being able to help ease it must have been so thoroughly awful for Niele! That part of the conflict did it for me. So heartbreaking!

Thanks FIreworks. I am glad you enjoyed this story. it was interesting to write about this topic from the pov of a mortal rather than an Elf, even though we actually see this story unfold through an Elf´s eyes. It is indeed heartbreaking and it only does get worse, unfortunately. I appreciate you commenting on this story. Thanks again.